Monday, October 22, 2007


最後一天了... 時間真的過得太快了.. 一眨眼, 已經過了三天....
今天, 本來的plan是要到Templer Park, 但是我爸說現在, 沒什麼人去那兒, 怕被打劫.. 所以, 我爸提議我們到Royal Selangor Pewter Factory走一趟...還真的不錯也....

早上, 我們到了Jalan Gasing吃了早餐...然後就到Setapak去了...參觀了他們的工廠.. 還蠻interesting的....之後, 我們就到了Bangsar吃午餐, Banana Leaf Rice...然後就會到酒店拿行李, 就要到機場去了.....就這樣, 我們就完成了4D/3N的籃籃馬來之旅......好捨不得, 雖然好累, 但是玩的好開心... 希望你也是......有機會再見囉...............


第二天, 我們到了Brickfields吃了mamak早餐, 走了一回印度街, 然後到了著名的黑風洞(Batu Caves), 再到Kuala Selangor去, 看螢火蟲, Padi field....


第三天, 一早,, 我們就到了jalan imbi吃豬肉丸粉, 也試了Nasi Lemak (辣死你媽.... 哈哈), 然後, 就開始了我們的旅程到馬六甲(Melaka)...走走了一下, 吃了著名的雞粒飯...不幸的, 在回程時候, 遇上大雨...車駕得好辛苦哦...後來, 我們又回到我家, 等停雨...好好彩, 很快就停雨了, 我們又再出發了...我們到了Jalan Klang Lama一家Bak Gut Teh吃了晚餐...然後到了Dataran Merdeka, Titiwangsa (Eye On Malaysia), 最後, 我們到了OUG Heights的Steven Corner Mamak Stall吃了美味的消夜...Burung Puyuh, Satay, Maggi Goreng, Limau Ais........就這樣結束了第三天...好累吧...

Sunday, October 21, 2007


這是籃籃來馬來西亞的日子.. 18th Oct 2007是值得紀念的日子... 有很多我們的第一次... 對我來說, 很多我們馬來西亞的地方, 我都沒去過.. 經過這一次做導遊的經驗, 發覺到, 馬來西亞, 有很多很美的地方.. 所以說, 要珍惜眼前的.. 發現身邊的美好, 比遠方的美來得更重要.. 是吧?

這個trip, 我安排了一些旅程, 這是第一天的行程......

2. KL Tower
3. China Town, Petaling Street
4. My House..... Mahjoong Time!

Friday, October 12, 2007


Genre: Travel
This is a book about the new train service provide from 西宁 to 西藏 (Tibet). There are many hostel name, how much is the cost, which place is worth the visit, and a lot a lot more..... I want to go...! need more planning and also need to save more money!


Genre: Biographies & Memoirs
Chen Lu-Yu is one of the tv host in Pheonix Television, she is also the famous talk show host for "A Date With Lu-Yu" which is known as "Oriental Oprah". In this book, she is telling story about herself, how her study, how she join Pheonix TV, how she become reporter, how she started her own show... very interesting story... This make me wonder how difficult is their life, how dangerous when they trying to get the truth and show us.... keep up the good work!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Cuttlefish at Night Dive

Dayang 4-7 Oct 2007

This is a special 3D/3N trip which difficult to arrange due to too little people, thanks to Nizam... he did it....:-p

This is Bryan open water and advance, and Edna Advance trip, and we have a Non - diver joinning us as well, which is Phoebe...she is enjoying herself alone while we are diving.. hei hei....

We have a good trip in total, quite a bit of a current, but manageble...
Many nudibranch and cuttlefish in this trip, and also i see my beloved green turtle in our last dive....woooooo! and we saw a huge huge huge bumphead parrotfish hidding under a big rock while we diving in Rayners Rock, i think it might be around 4-5 meter long....Nitrogen Narcosis?

Monday, October 1, 2007

Putrajaya 30 Sept 2007

Suzanne, My mom, Natalie and me going to Putrajaya, the main purpose just to take some pictures... doing some training using my SLR... Have a great time there...