Monday, October 31, 2011

22-25 Oct 2010 澳門找吃團 - Day 1

這是我們一年一度的全家旅行….. 第三次了.. 這次選了很多東西吃, 豐富文化背景的澳門.

澳門, 雖說是一個不則不扣的賭城, 但是, 我們一點興趣也沒有…… 設計了4天3夜的澳門行, 每個人都說我們瘋了….哈哈….

有人說: 澳門? 慢得兩天, 快的一天, 就走完了…. 有人說: 澳門, 什麼都沒有.. 去那兒幹什麼?... 有人說: 不如去珠海… 有人說: 不如過香港….. 種種的….但是, 我最後, 也只是跟著我做得功課, 好好的把4天在澳門走完……

走完? 談何容易? 誰說可以兩天走完? 我跟它挽鞋~~
我來一天一天, 說說, 我們怎麼走……..

第一天, 我們要早上3天起身, 差不多4點, 準備到機場…. 到了機場之後, 天阿~~ 人多到….. web check-in了也無補於事…. 照常排隊…..
前面一隊旅行團, 搞了半天, 才弄完… 我們排了足足一個多小時, 早餐也沒時間吃, 就要趕上機了…..痛苦….. 上了機過後, 本想買機上食物, 因為他們遊行團, 等他們的食物派完, 也都一個小時多了.. 餓到~~

不一會兒, 我們就到澳門了.. 搭的士到飯店 (Sintra Hotel, 新麗華), 很便宜… 才MOP$ 65, 因為真的蠻近的, 過了海就到了. (除了酒店-機場, 其他的, 我們都選擇走路, 或搭巴士, 超級方便, 而且車很多..)
Check in過後, 我們就從酒店到大三巴出發去…….

我們的飯店, 位置非常適中, 在正中央, 英皇酒店隔壁, 走個5分鐘, 就是巴士總站 – 亞馬喇前地, 差不多所有的巴士都經過這, 過海得必經之路.
我們那兒, 走個5分鐘, 就到了新馬路, 議事亭前地, 郵政總局, 然後, 我們先到黃枝記吃竹升面…. 我們點了蝦子 (就是蝦蛋), 蝦雲吞, 蟹粥, 鯪魚丸…etc 這也吃了 MOP$169.. ha ha …貴吧~但是食物不錯吃..建議嚐嚐.

接著, 繼續走到了仁慈堂, 聖母玫瑰堂, 然後就是長長得市集, 無數的本土產品, 任試吃, 不買沒關係的那種….. 我爸媽吃到很開心.. 之後的每一天, 都吵著要回大三巴. :-p
除了正餐之外, 我們嚐了很多小吃, 豬排包, 鍋貼, 蛋餅, 肉幹, 雙皮奶etc…. 很多很多….

走不到一會兒, 我們就到了大三巴牌坊, 這是到澳門, 一定要去的地方. 超級多人…… 我們走上階梯, 一邊拍照, 一邊行賞, 這美麗又富有歷史光彩的澳門…. 然後發現大三巴旁邊, 有一家可愛澳門創作店, 我在那買了郵票, 寄了兩張明信片, 他們還有可愛的stamp給你免費用呢…..

走著走著, 就快5點鐘了, 我爸媽都累了, 因為太早起來了, 我們決定回飯店小息一會兒, 再出動.

6點多, 我們再次出發, 搭巴士到漁人碼頭去… 到了著名的和花亭用了晚餐.. hmmmm….. 好好吃, 尤其是它的udon, 和 燒牛肉sushi…. 而且蠻划算得, 才吃了MOP$462.00
然後, 在那兒走走, 我們就搭了賭場免費接送車, 到Wynn附近去… 然後, 我們去看了海中觀音像, 一番狂照之後, 就到Wynn Hotel去…

晚上的澳門, 燈光明媚, 五顏六色, 也難怪人們說它是City Of Sin…. 作孽之城…… 浪費電源還真不是蓋的……我們走進了Wynn – 永利, 哇~~reception後面, 一個水箱, 養滿了水母, 在藍藍得燈光下,太美了….
然後, 我們就等著Wynn著名的龍騰秀, 免費的…. 真的做得很好…龍從地底下轉出來, 直奔上濃濃火焰的天花板… 讚!!!. 哈哈.. 太多人在那兒捐錢了, 能夠如此花費…. 每個半個小時表演一次, 你們得空去看看吧~

差不多晚上11點了, 一天就這樣過去… 我們慢慢的走回飯店…..ZZZZZZzzzzzzz去了…..

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Chappell's 200th Anniversary Celebration

~~ Happy Birthday Warner Chappell ~~

Below are story regarding the poster: (from:

Lyrics from classic songs from the likes of Muse, Green Day and Radiohead have been turned into artwork and are on display as part of an exhibition to celebrate 200 years of Warner/Chappell Music.

The exhibition is currently taking place at the StolenSpace gallery in east London, with all the prints on display also available for sale. Profits from any sale are being donated to charity. You can see examples of the artwork at the top and bottom of the page.

Other artists who feature in the exhibition include New Order, Led Zeppelin and REM.

As part of the celebrations, there will also be two free gigs at London's Rough Trade East venue. The first will feature Ben Howard and Dry The River and takes place on October 4. The second will be headlined by Michael Kiwanuka and takes place on October 5.

You can find out more information about the exhibition by visiting

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

3D/3N Berhala Weck & Tioman Liveaboards

Start:     Jun 21, '12
End:     Jun 24, '12
Location:     Berhala Wreck & Tioman
Good news !!!... We have secure and chatered the MV Black Pearl for the excursion of Berhala Wreck & Tioman liveaboards.

Diver Package Price (ex-Tanjung Gemok) : RM1100 (own equipment) / RM1250 (Rental Gear included)

We only accepting confirm booking with 50% non-refunable deposit to secure your seat as we have only 15 space available and this is a full charter.
Please make your booking ASAP and keep your space booked.

Package includes:

Unlimited dive (day & night)
All meals & drinks (except for alcohol & soft drinks... hehehe.. no worry.. Tioman is a duty free island.... can hope on and get cheap cheap one when we are there)
Tanks & dive guide

Details of MV Black Pearl:

The MV Black Pearl is a 20m newly refurbished vessel that accomodates a maximum of 17 divers in twin & triple sharing cabins that feature individual controlled airconds. It also houses a spacious air-conditioned lounge, with DVD and karaoke system for extertainment purposes, and 2 common bathrooms equiped with hot shower units.

Details of Berhala Wreck:

The Gyoshin Maru (aka Berhala Wreck or Varella Wreck) is a tanker ship serving japan during worldwar II - 1944, not long after the serviced, she is sank by the US navy boat and broken into 2 pieces, lying in a depth of 11m to maximum 20m. Her anti-aircraft armament is still visible and the site is littered with a large quantity of live ammo that divers will need to avoid. Very beautiful wreck to dive in.....

and for Tioman, as everyone know, Tioman is famous of her colorful soft coral, and alot of underwater tunnel for you to explore... you will find our urself when you get there~

Rough Itinerary:

21st June 2012

6.00pm - Depart from KL to Tanjung Gemok
11.30pm - Reach and aboard, rest

22nd June 2012

dive Berhala Wreck

23rd June 2012

Reach Tioman, dive dive dive

24th June 2012

Dive dive dive....
Afternoon - depart back to jetty
~Home sweet home~

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

04102011 Zam 18th Teaching Anniversary

~~ Happy Anniversary~~

wish you teaching happily ever after... wah ka ka~ and all student "teng teng wah wah"... ~gong hei gong hei~