Sunday, September 28, 2008

2 Baby Bird Born at home!


There are a mommy bird give birth to her 2 baby on my mother plants at home yesterday! this plant are just hanging out side of my balcony, maybe is just convenience, that she don't need to built its own nest.. the baby is cute, but i couldn't see its face. when i climb up the chair to look at them, the mother bird is try to protect the baby below her wings. and she just stunt and do nothing until i leave.. ha ha.. strong motherhood ya!

Saturday, September 27, 2008


因為做了一些格式得變化, 把原本要人手算的事情系統化. (方便而且不會出現人性化的錯誤).. 怎知道.. 不能接受新事物的或者是來不及改變的人, 還是要我把已經系統化的事件, 照著之前的格式再給她一次...無奈! 因為這事件, 星期五, 回到家, 要等待美國那邊的同事開工, 再跟他們商量辦法, 弄得我不得安寧的睡上一覺...今天一大早, 又要爬起來, 看看美國那兒解決了沒..還要趕回公司, 把事情解決了... 不說了... 回家好好休息囉...

Monday, September 22, 2008


今早, 被這個無良的motobike撞到我的車尾, 然後, 也是一貫的作風, 撞了就跑了....氣死我啦! 又要破財了.... 這些人, 真是&*^$$%^^^&&$#@@#$$%$.... 而且, 還是兩個年輕人- 華人... 這麼年輕, 已經這麼不負責人, 還可以做些什麼? 難道, 連聲道歉也這麼困難嗎?.... 天阿..!!!! 這個世界, 怎麼變成這樣???? ......心碎...

Friday, September 19, 2008


Genre: Travel

The Andromeda Strain

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
In "The Andromeda Strain," a U.S. military satellite crashes in a small town and unleashes a deadly plague killing all but two survivors. As the military quarantines the area, a team of highly specialized scientists is assembled to find a cure to the pathogen code-named "Andromeda," and a reporter investigates a government conspiracy only to discover what he is chasing wants him silenced. Written by Official Site

This movie show in 412 - Astro, separated in 2 part, total 3 hour show.
last sunday i watch the first part, this sunday showing the second part.. it is very interesting... can't wait for it. (if you want to watch replay, this sunday 1200pm showing the first part, watch it)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008




昨天是Selangor的假期, 難得在家休息, 在evening的時候, 帶著兩個小可愛到樓下走走, 只不過是簡單不過的小花園, 木板做的千秋, 他們也玩的滿身是汗...這兩個小可愛, 是我媽現在(男的名jun yuan)和之前(女的名natalie)照顧的小孩... 雖然, 我媽已經沒在照顧natalie, 但是她和我們的關係也還很密切, 時常都到我們家玩得流連忘返...這次, 我也不忘的拿著相機, 拍攝一些他們可愛的臉孔..


之後, 在回家的途中, 發現了是日落的時間, 拍了些照片, 而且發覺, 原來, 家的日落, 也可以這麼漂亮. 一直以來, 都在忙著往外跑的我, 竟然忘了家附近也有這麼美的景色. 回到家中, show給我妹看, 她說似極了在海邊的日落.. 原來, 不只我一人, 忘了家的美... 

Sunset At Home

Yesterday is Selangor Holiday, not working.. nothing to do in the evening, bring the 2 little one (not my kids, ha ha.. dont misunderstand oh!!, is the kids that my mother babysit) go downstairs and have a walk.. just a simple garden with a wodden swing, and got to know how beautiful of senset at home for the first time!

Monday, September 15, 2008

無知? 盲目? 的我...

剛收到一封email, from member of virtual tourist, 是外國人..問我說, 他要到馬來西亞來.. 剛好那時是馬來新年, 問說, 有什麼地方可以看到有特色的馬來新年feel的地方..?? 我想了又想, 我真的不知道.. 天啊.. 那是證明了我的無知, 還是大家只在盲目的相處, 而沒有一點了解...???

6D/5N Diving/Snorkerling Trip - OWD+Leisure

Start:     Apr 2, '09
End:     Apr 7, '09
Redang+Lang Tengah, currently, we have 3 OWD + 1 Leisure + 4 Non Diver
welcome to join us. (Now Airasia having the RM0.90 cheap sales, buy now)

Instructor: Nizam

Makan & Photography Trip - Penang+Cameron Highland

Start:     Oct 5, '08
End:     Oct 11, '08

Friday, September 12, 2008


昨晚, 看完了astro on demand的家好月圓, 不負責任的Dr. Ling始終還是拋棄了阿秋, 跟女朋友回英國.. 那麼, 從一開始, 就不應該跟阿秋開始.... (一陣的嘆息...) 這讓我想起我朋友的事情.... 一個有老婆的男人, 來追求我的這個朋友.. 之後, 給老婆給發現了.. 跟著, 也夾著尾巴走掉了, 辭掉工作, 一聲再見也不說的走得不見蹤影..... 這不竟讓我覺得, 是否男人越來的越不可靠.... (一陣更長的嘆息.........)