Tuesday, December 30, 2008

27-28 Dec 2008 Lenggong Perak Trip

This trip is organized by MOTHS - a group in facebook, which organize a lot of outdoor activities all year round.. this is the first time i join them, and i did had a great time....

first time i try flying fox (i try to caught ourselves in the video, but unfortunately it doesnt work out... sob sob"), jungle trecking & caving....

I have got 2 leech bites after the jungle trecking.. but everything is fine la..
and my dear Lin is screaming and jumping around for the whole 3 hour trecking journey.. poor lin....

we suppose to have 5 members in our group (Lin, Sam, Pooi, Li Peng and me), unfornately, Li Peng can't join us due to she is sick.. and also my dear Sam also sick during the trip... so.. the jungle trecking and caving part, only me and Lin survive from it....

I hope we have more trip to come and wish everyone are healthy from now on.....
Happy New Year!!!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

林明山 & 彩虹瀑布

Start:     Feb 20, '09 8:00p
End:     Feb 22, '09
Location:     Sungai Lembing, Kuantan

林明山are very famous to his cloud formation 雲海...
and 彩虹瀑布, you can see rainbow everyday in the morning.. imagine urself having fun in the waterfall and the rainbow is on top of your head!

RM200 for accomotion & 4W drive to Rainbow waterfall... transportation to be confirm later...

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Genre: Romance
好好看的一部得獎電影, 有哭, 有笑, 有親情, 有偉大的愛情....


原本已經安排了的一個人的平安夜, 變得很忙碌....堂妹突然的邀約, 令我無法抗拒, 是因為我們從來沒有在家庭聚會之外的時候相約過, 感覺很特別...突然發現, 我們都長大了....我們選了一間有好紅酒喝的一家餐廳, 點了聖誕大餐, 和一瓶紅酒, 慢慢的悉數我們的回憶和長大了的煩惱和經歷....過後, 就跑到了Zita Bar (KL Hilton)倒數...後來, 也到了TTDI去會合了一些朋友... 這樣的... 就到了半夜3點鐘.... 時間過的真的很快...

隔天, 已經和suzanne約好了看兩部電影... 雖然眼睛真的睜不開, 但也準時赴約.... 看了The Day When The World Stood Still & 海角七號......英文的那部還好啦... 而海角七號拍得真的很不錯.. 感人, 搞笑, 親情, 愛情, 什麼都有.. 值得一看.....過後, 趕著回家, 到姑姐的家, 有個家庭聚會... 蠻溫馨的, 而且發現, 我們的家人都真的長大了, 不再是以前的小瓜, 而且還和大伯大嫂堂妹堂弟喝起酒來....感覺好怪...哈哈!


2008 Christmas Family Gathering

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008


今天一早, 吃了点心, 就到我舅父的家, 看看我这位很久没见的表姐和可爱的表姨甥.....他真的好可爱..不好拍..因为他一直在动..哈哈...他还会做yoga呢....棒吧?

Friday, December 12, 2008

Ex PS Divers Gathering

We just happen to get some divers around... good get around! we also set our date to dive dayang next year feb 2009.

thanks to Yinghaw for the pix.....i love it.

Dayang Opening Dive 2009

Start:     Mar 6, '09 6:00p
End:     Mar 9, '09 6:00p
Location:     Pulau Dayang
Let me know if you interested!

Depart Friday Night (6mar09), drive to Mersing, Transfer midnight, Dive Saturday / Sunday / Monday Morning, Depart back to Mersing in noon, back to Mersing Later Afternoon, the drive back to KL.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Body Of Lies

Genre: Action & Adventure
This movie actor: Leonardo DiCaprio, Russell Crowe.

Leonardo acting as an CIA undercover police in Middle east country..and Russell Crowe is the boss station in US... the story are running over the terrorist attack in middle east, and how leonardo doing to help....

In the movie, there are an iranian guy - name Hani (Mark Strong), he is acted good, cool and sometime funny in a his way ...

have a look urself... ! it worth the RM10....

Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Special Birthday of Mine!

First time ever having my birthday party in a hotel room, thanks to all the crazy frens of mine! after that, movie marothon of 2 movie, jumping inside out and in again imeadiately - Body of Lies & Tranposter 3, fantastic movie! then later on, go to Mongolian Restaurant to have our dinner... hmmm.. yummy!


今年, 过了一个特别的生日...感谢各位好友的祝福和礼物....

首先, 我的朋友建议, 不如我们定一间酒店房间, 让我们来疯狂一翻? 可以不怕喝醉, 醉了可以直接睡觉......恩恩....各个都同意.....哈哈! 就在昨晚, 我在酒店度过了难忘的生日party....而且还有door gift for everyone oh!! 很多吧? 市价RM250++哦......哈哈!

之后, 晚餐到了 Omen Cafe吃饭.... 而且, 还去算命呢...星座之类的...结果, 每个人回到座位, 都脸有苦涩, 突然间, 整个气氛变得怪怪的...真是给钱买难受....但是, 不消一回, 我们又恢复了力量..继续发疯起来.....之后, 我们回到酒店, 开始喝酒和玩游戏..然后, 奇怪的蛋糕出现了...羞羞!接着就是朋友们给我的祝福手链, 希望我早日找到我的如意郎君...哈哈! 怎样?我们疯狂吧? 这样, 我们就这样一边喝, 一边谈天说地....就睡着了.....感觉好好哦.......在此感谢这班疯狂四人组............

第二天, 和他们吃了早餐, 谈天了一回...我就去汇合suzanne, 连接式得看了2电影...Body Of Lies & Transporter 3. 好好看哦......接着, 就去了蒙古餐厅吃晚餐....好好吃....特别是烤羊肉串....谢谢suzanne陪我哦........而且还穿得很lady oh!!!! 这照片蒙蒙的, 而且角度怪怪的...是别人帮我们拍的, 将就点啦...

生日快乐! 谢谢各位的祝福和礼物.....我爱你们!


Thursday, December 4, 2008

放手吧! 讓自己自由吧!

放手 --- 放开所有 --- 彼此更自由----放手 --- 其实我绝非爱得不够-----

這首歌, 令我有很多的感觸.... 我們共勉之.........

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

愛太痛 - 吴克群

第一次聽這首歌.... 感覺起來好痛... 這歌詞, 雖然很簡單, 但是真的可以聽到心理的痛, 大過一切...剛聽說, 朋友的公司裡面, 有一女子失戀了, 每天在公司哭, 而且, 聽說哭了三個月了.. 老闆也拿她沒辦法.... 感情這東西, 真的是害人不淺阿... 希望, 時間是她的解藥!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


剛知道, 我妹開始了她的部落格世界----虚无飘渺的灵魂, 好一個悲慘的名字.... 看著看著, 感慨很多... 原來我妹這麼不快樂... 還是應該說是多愁善感.... 妹阿... 別想太多... 你還有我們一家....要快樂起來哦! 加油!

Monday, December 1, 2008

01122008 Street Food Hunting in Sunway Pyramid

Sunday, i saw this Cozzi & Friends introduction in Star Newspaper, the thing that interest me is the Korean Rice Cake which i always saw it in the Korean movie or drama.. i tried it in Taiwan, but no enough.. so, i invite Joanna to go and check it out yesterday.....

This is in Asian Avenue - Sunway Pyramid, Ice Skiting side, first floor, next to the Digital mall....when we walk in, there are plenty of shop selling bags, cloths... and then, we found this stall, we have the spicy rice cake with fried chicken (Ddok Bok Ki), Grilled Chicken Bulgalbi (Korean BBQ Sauce) & tried a korean rice drink.... Ddok Bok Ki is nice, a bit sweet and spicy.. with the fried chicken, taste fantastic.... but the Chicken bulgalbi not so special.. taste like satay chicken to me! The rice drink are not bad too, taste like steam rice water plus milk.. special, and not too sweet.. refreshing!

After this, we went to 士林- is a taiwan street food stall... we have the Eh Ah Mee Sua (Noodle with Clam) & XXL taiwan fried chicken... besides this, we also tried the japanese Cuttlefish ball....also one kind of Japan street food...We almost finish all and soooooo full............ my god!

After all this, we went to "Yam Cha" at 旺角 and chit chat till midnight... talking nonsense...... ha ha... what a night! Yummy!