Last day of our trip, tomorrow we will fly back to Kuala Lumpur early morning..
At start of the day, we went to post office to buy setem and post off our post card. Weird system of post office, the setem is around value USD0.50, but they want us to pay USD1, and it is like a official earning for the post office.. First time ever in my life i go through such a post office system.. but anyway, we paid...
After that, we go to Kbal Spean to look at the River of 1000 Lingas (Lingas mean male sex organ), it has been craved into the river bed all along the river... interesting! and there are others carving too. We climbed for almost 50 minutes up, quite tiring.... after we return from the mountain, we have a simple lunch, and move to Banteay Srei 女王宮, the carving there is special and different from other temples, it is the most beautiful carving compare to the rest. On the way out, we saw some sugar stall next to the road, we stop by and see how they cook the palm tree sugar, we bought some back as well... later on, we visit Banteay Samre and Banteay Kdei.. Thats about it... for conclusion, we had a good trip.. tiring.. but worth it..