Monday, September 27, 2010

I Had A Dream

Yesterday, I had a weird and fantasy dream ....

Story started we went diving... and when we reach the jetty/breach area, instead of going up on the boat, we wear on our gear, and jump into the sea.. Dive in, and we are dive in speed, like being drag or programmed toward our destination.

After awhile, I saw a underwater building and a few floor of car park area. When we dive nearby the bulding, there are a sliding door, open and we just step in. Wao~ when we went thru the door, the water is sealed, and no water is going inside the building. That's the dive center back entrance.

After we got in, we take off our gear, and imediately we are all dried. We walk upstair to the lobby of the dive center, and the balcony is facing a very rough water river, brown water, water flow really really fast. then we meet the DM of the dive center,  Then he was telling us how they use their "direction machine" to direct us toward them underwater. If we are not programmed, we will be lost underwater... wao~ high technya~

After that, he told us that we will be diving under that river, and the exit point will be just at the balcony. "Fainted" As looking at the rough water, after we exit, sure being push til dont know where.... and then, I WOKE UP D~~  Quite a pity that I dont know how the high tech diving is, and how does the dive site look like under that river.. what a pity, haiz.......

I wish I can continue to dream~~

Saturday, September 25, 2010

25092010 Buddies Gathering


23号, 是纯君的生日。。 今天, 我特地做了我人生的第一个生日蛋糕送给她。 是夹心水果饼。 想了一个星期, 要怎麽弄才美呢? 最后的成果就是这样的样子的。

烘了饼皮, 涂上蜜糖, 加上苹果, kiwi, strawberry。。就变成这样了。可能冰了太久, 饼皮有点干干的, 但是整体还ok。。

今天, 献上这夹心饼, 祝你生日快乐, 身体健康, 家庭快乐, 夫妻和谐, 儿女乖乖听话~~~ 好了, 不讲了。。看看照片吧。。

Monday, September 13, 2010

12092010 Mommy Pre-BD Dinner

Due to my sister going travel soon, we celebrate earlier this year. This time, we tried something new, we have Japanese BBQ dinner at Yakiniku Restaurant in Pandan Indah. Everything is nice, the meat, the drinks, we have fun.. :-p

Sunday, September 5, 2010

05092010 My Cooking @ Pancake

This morning, my sister suddenly said wanna try to make home make pancake. Ok.. lets go supermarket, buy the pancake mixer, banana, chocolate syrup, honey, beacon ham, cheese!

We have 2 flavor:

Sweet - Banana/Raisin/Honey&Chocolate syrup
Salty - Beacon Ham & Cheese with chili sauce

First time yo! not too bad!