Sunday, July 17, 2011

Daddy Admited Due to Medicine Allergy

Thanks for all the concern... my daddy is discharged Sunday morning... and resting at home now.

He had an allergy from an injection from a clinic (not fault, just that both person are not aware of the allergy is)

The whole face is swollen, and having difficult breathing at that time.. take him about 3 days, for the swell to go off.... now, still have a little bit..

Lucky, everything goes well... discharged, and need to rest a week at home.

Get well soon daddy!!


  1. Wish your dad well.

    p/s: Gosh, I though the man just done brawling with Mike Tyson.

  2. yes, he is now fully recoved.. thanks....
    ha ha.. thats what the doc say too... :-p

  3. Tan-San I see this photo now
    Are you ok ! you are not so youg !! Take care

  4. he ok now... no worries.... ha ha.. thanks thanks...
