Tuesday, December 30, 2008

27-28 Dec 2008 Lenggong Perak Trip

This trip is organized by MOTHS - a group in facebook, which organize a lot of outdoor activities all year round.. this is the first time i join them, and i did had a great time....

first time i try flying fox (i try to caught ourselves in the video, but unfortunately it doesnt work out... sob sob"), jungle trecking & caving....

I have got 2 leech bites after the jungle trecking.. but everything is fine la..
and my dear Lin is screaming and jumping around for the whole 3 hour trecking journey.. poor lin....

we suppose to have 5 members in our group (Lin, Sam, Pooi, Li Peng and me), unfornately, Li Peng can't join us due to she is sick.. and also my dear Sam also sick during the trip... so.. the jungle trecking and caving part, only me and Lin survive from it....

I hope we have more trip to come and wish everyone are healthy from now on.....
Happy New Year!!!!