Sunday, March 28, 2010


最近, 迷上了游泳.... 昨天下午, 沒事幹, 就一個人跑到最近我家的游泳池, Bukit Jalil Aquatic Stadium去, 大熱天, 最適合不過了....

剛開車不久, 天開始黑了, 下起雨來, 真是天有不測之風雲阿!!! 但是, 我還是繼續, 開到目的地... 過不就, 就陽光普照了.... 去到的當時, 還要多等半個小時, 他們才開門.... 售票員, 都扑在桌面睡覺..真是Malaysia Boleh........ 要睡都到房間裡面啦.... 真是丟人現眼.....

好不容易, 等到開門了, 我就第一時間跑去換衣服, 怎知道, 到了池旁, 愣了一下... 太多人了吧...... 好多課程再進行... 大多數都是小孩..... 跳上跳下, 非常"活潑".... 水潑來潑去.... Haiz...好暈哦!!!!!

我的游泳技術不大好啦.... 而且, 泳池邊的位置都被佔據了... 我只好到中間的地方游... 壓力好大也....... 遊了差不多3個lap, 就決定收工了......差勁吧!!! 我會繼續努力的......

好..... 就說到整個Aquatic最差的地方, 那就是浴室了... 天阿! 10間浴室, 6間的水龍頭都不見了, 不能用..... 每個人都在等那4間..... 我只好換衣服, 回家洗囉!!!!

最慘的是... 當我回到車子時, 發現車子被撞了, 加害者當然是走掉了啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 不負責的人..... 氣死我了......'

就這樣, 無奈的回家囉...

看著車子花了, 心痛.... 看著Malaysia的泳池, 心痛..... 看著這樣不負責人的人性, 更心痛了.......

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

17032010 Janice & Her BD Present

I got my dear Janice her snorkelling gear.. Junior Scuba set... pink colour, very cute... she love it very much, will bring her snorkeling in the pool this weekend... yeah! Is a good time to train her to become a sea lover.... ha ha... her mom will go pengsan...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

09032010 SS2 Durian Fest

Diana wanted to have durian for some time, and we decided to give it a go...

SS2 - Wei Sek Kai (The food seriously are not nice now)
SS2 - Durian (maybe not the season yet, durian so so only, and quite expensive, 2 biji for RM70+)
SS2 - Kei Dek Sek (for dessert, so so only, why so many plp eating? dont understand)...

Overall, nothing is really fantastic today.. ha ha! but we enjoy the company loh..

Sunday, March 7, 2010

07032010 A Beautiful Day

We got up early in the morning, have a morning walk in Lake Garden, I did some photo shooting with the kids... then we decide to take a dip in water with the kids.... and night, having steamboat at my house...

I had a great time..

Friday, March 5, 2010

Dive Dayang

Start:     Jun 24, '10
End:     Jun 27, '10
Location:     Pulau Dayang
Here we go again..... yeah! I got some fren learning Open Water..
come join us!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Turtle Sighting In Rayner's Rock, Dayang

Long time no see my dear... Miss u..

25-28 Feb 2010 Dayang Diving

This is my first diving trip in 2010. I had a wonderful time with Jac & suzanne company.

I saw my beloved turtle.. which i haven't seen for some time... napoleon wrasse, bumphead parratfish, big school of barracuda, etc........ and WHALE SHARK..... which I missed it.. Nizam and some of his group saw it... sigh,.... i wanna see u so much.... we make a date ya.... see u in Nov.......

Besides that, will be my trigger fish attack experience.. which I wrote a blog here.. ha ha... what a day for me! hei hei...

Ohhhh! will not forgot to say.... I got a terrible sun burn.... still pain.. sob sob...i won't do it again....phewww!

Jac and Suzanne done their discovery scuba, and wanna learn soon... ha ha.... I pull 2 more plp throwing money into the sea... (丢钱入咸水海....haha...) come come.....

Lastly, thanks to Suzanne of some of your photo.... pretty pretty! (All pix name: IMGP)

Titan TriggerFish (泰坦炮彈魚) Attack

I just got back from Dayang Island.... I had wonderful time, saw alot of fishes.. napoleon wrasse, big school of barracuda, and my dear turtle too.... but the most special experience still is the triggerfish attack....

This is not exactly the lay egg season for them yet, they shouldn't be that agreesive yet. but unfortunately, on a dive in Pulau Lang, and I'm about to surface, and doing my safety stop, I got 2 triggerfish attack me on the same time. I didnt got panic, but busy kicking them away... kicking kicking... and one time, i missed it, and the fish come over to my face... I had to use full force to punch it on the body. OMG! they are very hard... I always heard that their body and head is so strong, but this is the first time i got to feel it.....

Because I am busy kicking, and going upward which make the situation worst, cos their territory are in "V" Shape, going upward mean going more into their territory.... there goes, I missed my safety stop... bad bad......(I kena scold for this also... sob sob....)

For them, they just wanna to protect their egg, but for me? i dont even know where is their egg.. haiz.....but i think thats ok for me... I learned my lesson, and hopefully if it does happen again, I can handle it better.....

This is their pix for your reference.. just beware if u are not aware of this fish... They are ok from far, just keep a distant when u see it...(pix taken from