Sunday, June 7, 2009

27 Dresses

Genre: Romance
故事大綱圍繞著這個女生 - Jane, 她是個超級大好人, 對婚姻充滿憧憬....可以為了朋友, 同一時間, 趕兩場婚禮當伴娘....從來不會說個"不"字的人...就連妹妹把了她喜歡很久的男人, 她也不會說出來...到最後, 當然她也找到了她要的...完美的結局! 哈哈... 不錯看...

Jane is idealistic, romantic and completely selfless--a perennial bridesmaid whose own happy ending is nowhere in sight. But when younger sister Tess captures the heart of Jane's boss--with whom she is secretly in love--Jane begins to reexamine her "always-a-bridesmaid..." lifestyle. (From: Yahoo Movie)

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